composition ● improvisation ● piano
Come and Listen
Ulrichsberger Kaleidophon: solo Katharina Klement, piano & electronics
free music forum: Irena Tomazin, vocals / Katharina Klement, piano & electronics
STIO festival Styria meets Serbia: Annette Giesriegl, vocals / Milana Zarić, harp / Katharina Klement, piano & electronics
"Electric Strauss": Martin Brandlmayer, dr & electronics / Katharina Klement, p & electronics
"la grande nuit" , a.o. "Brandung IV" acousmatic composition by Katharina Klement
festival "music and images" / opening of exhibition "diaphanous": graphic scores, sketches and music by Katharina Klement
duo éclair: Daniel Lercher, live electronics & Katharina Klement, piano & zither & electronics
Brandung IV, acousmatic composition & live performance & spatialisation
TRIO STRONIX: Alexander J. Eberhard vla & electronics, Katharina Klement zither & electronics, Michael Zacherl scivolo
duo LUPE: Susanna Gartmayer, bcl and Katharina Klement, piano & electronics
exhibition "Offene Felder" a.o. with project "Oekophonie" by Katharina Klement
on the occasion of opening of the exhibition Henriette Leinfellner, print graphics: DUO Franz Hautzinger - trumpet / Katharina Klement - zither, electronics
on the occasion of exhibition INTERVALLE by Michael Michlmayr
festival "Alpenglow 9 - Styria meets Serbia" amongst others: TRIO Annette Giesriegl - voc / Milana Zarić - harp / Katharina Klement - piano, electronics
festival "Orgel Mixturen 24", Maximilian Schnaus plays "Drift" by Katharina Klement
festival "echoes around me" / first performance of "Brandung IV"
opening of exhibition INTERVALLE by Michael Michlmayr
Duo concert Laura Strobl, vla and Georg Graewe, piano, first performance of "Schwelle" by Katharina Klement and works by Marilyn Crispell, Anthony Braxton, Georg Graewe
Ars Electronica festival, share-ploring spatial audio, dodekaOTTO inside inflatable "Space Ship"by Luka Murovec, a.o. 8-channel compositions "peripheries" and "einen Moment bitte II" by Katharina Klement
Grazer Impro-Fest, Styrian Improvisers Orchestra feat. Maggie Nicols
project "sound fishing" / Water Sound Flows / Bad Ischl Salzkammergut European Capital of Culture
Das relativ wohltemperierte Klavier, sound- and video installation by Peter Brandlmayr, Katharina Klement, Mersolis Schoene
guided tour to all stations of the sound trail with the artist Katharina Klement, farmer Evi Schartner and Elisabeth Fiedler (Institute for Art in Public Space Styria)
"Temple of sound" ongoing soundgallery, electroacoustic music daily from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
release concert vinyl "alchemical allures" Duo Martina Claussen (voice, objects, electronics) & Katharina Klement (zither, electronics)
20 years of series neue musik in st. ruprecht, Angélica Castelló (Paetzold, tapes) & Thomas Grill (objects, electronis) & Katharina Klement (piano, zither, electronics) & Burkhard Stangl (guit, electronics)
organ concert by Maximilian Schnaus, plays "Drift" by K. Klement, further works by Mark André, Maximilian Schnaus, Franz Danksagmüller, Francesco Filidei
festival SO.UND.ING Acousmonium Di-Fusion
duo LUPE: Susanna Gartmayer, bcl & Katharina Klement, p/electronics
WDR 3 open: Ilka Geyer presents concert and interview of Katharina Klement during festival blaues Rauschen June 2023
punctum collective performs "Schwebstoff" for voice, clar & bassclar, vl, fixed media by K. Klement
"Zeitton"- portrait of Katharina Klement: "Monde II" and other works by K. Klement, presented by Marie-Therese Rudolph
festival re_composed: performance "réservoir" composition & zither & electronics: Katharina Klement, with a video by Patrick K.H.
finissage of exhibition , lecture performance by Katharina Klement
first performance of composition for small ensemble, electronics, 2 concrete mixers - festival musikprotokoll Graz, Schallfeld Ensemble
opening of exhibition - scores, sketches, listening stations composing as roaming between idea, sound, image and writing ------------ introductory words by Burkhard Stangl in cooperation with musikprotokoll Graz
Ecophony – every voice counts. An acoustic soil survey. soundinstallation running in Altaussee, Austria as part of open fields – art and agriculture, Institut fuer Kunst im oeffentlichen Raum Steiermark
concert and celebration of the 70th birthday of Hans Schneider ---- quartet one: Cordula Boesze, fl / Klaus Hollinetz, electr / Katharina Klement, p & electr / Burkhard Stangl, guit ------- quartet two: Martin Brandlmayr, dr & perc / Isabella Forciniti, electr / Jake Mann, bcl / Sara Zlanabitnig, fl & sampler
"réservoir" for zither/electronics/video, composed and performed by Katharina Klement, video by Patrick K.H.
Prague Improvisation Orchestra plays graphic scores by E. Brown, Chr. Wolff, M. Adamciak and others. amongst others Katharina Klement, piano
43 works of electroacoustic music, soundinstallation with 20 loudspeakers around the clock / amongst others "BETON" and "13 Miniaturen" by Katharina Klement
laureate concert acousmatic music, works by Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg, Jason Langheim, Katharina Klement, Levente Kovács, Manolo Müller
ensemble JKMM: Jakob Gnigler, saxes/ Katharina Klement,piano &electr / Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, db / Michala Ostergaard-Nielsen, dr & perc
Ecophony - every voice counts. An acoustic soil survey.
event for the 100th birthday of Emil Breisach, curated by Niki Breisach, Astrid Kury, Gernot Rath. Katharina Klement, piano & electronics
finissage of my exhibition "archive" and concerts by duo Katharina Klement/Martin Siewert and Ingrid Schmoliner/ Jean-Luc Guionnet
audio and video compositions by Katharina Klement (parts from "peripheries", 8-channel audio) and Eva Sidén
acousmatic concert with works by Katharina Klement, Otto Wanke, Bruno Liberda, Wolfgang Liebhart and others
Lizard Ensemble plays at festival "leicht ueber Linz": Jakob Steinkellner, acc / Jonathan Figl, basszither / Isabella Forciniti, electr works by Katharina Klement, Katharina Roth, Tobias Leibetseder, Enrique Mendoza Mejia, Max Riefer
festival ACOUSMONIUM, Katharina Klement plays her composition Wasserlauf part 5,6,7 (fixed media stereo), further works by Armando Balice, Paul Ramage, Patrick K.H., Volkmar Klien
archive - works (graphics, plastic art, paintings, fotos, film, scores, objects) by Katharina Klement / solo concerts by Theresa Wong, cello & voice - Caroline Profanter, electronics
Lizard ensemble plays NETZ by Katharina KLement, further works by Enrique Mendoza Mejia, Tobias Leibetseder, Max Riefer, Katharina Roth // Jonathan Fiegl - Basszither, Jakob Steinkellner - acc, Isabella Forciniti - electronics
ensemble airborne extended plays Tetrachrom by Katharina Klement, further works by Giorgio Magnanensi, Iris ter Schiphorst, Yoav Levi, Hugo Morales Murguía // Elena Gabbrielli - flutes, Sonja Leipold – harpsichord, Caroline Mayrhofer recorders, Tina Žerdin – harp, Alisa Kobzar – sounddesign, electronics
series der bloede dritte Mittwoch: Patrick K.H. - video & audio electronics, Axel Dörner - trpt & electronics, Katharina Klement - piano & electronics plus concert/performance by Billy Roisz, Milan Lovichka, dieb 13
series interpenetration, Patrick K.H., video & audio electronics, Axel Doerner, trpt & electronics, Katharina Klement, zither & electronics
monday improvisers sessions, opening set by Alex Kranabetter, trpt & Katharina Klement, p
series smallforms Daniel Lercher (electronics) & Katharina Klement (zither/ electronics), further sets: Brigitta Bödenauer, Simone Borghi
Crosstalks, series of ÖGZM, presentation of natura morta (video: Doris Schmid / music: Katharina Klement), further works by Dieter Kaufmann, Hannes Dufek, Daniel Mayer, Mia Zabelka
Chiaohua Chang (erhu), Franz Hautzinger (trpt), Katharina Klement (p, electronics)
Small Robots, ensemble Lizard, first performance of my composition NETZ, further works by Tobias Leibetseder, Katharina Roth, Enrique Mendoza Meija, Max Riefer
duo Martina Claussen / Katharina Klement
sound installation around the clock, amongst many others electroacoustic compositions by Katharina Klement
opening event of festival "Styriarte" Deno Kaufmann: conception, composition / Katharina Klement : prepared piano
amongst others "Bohor" from I. Xenakis with sound control by Katharina Klement
music-video "5levels" by Katharina Klement / Patrick K.-H. / Axel Dörner
Katharina Klement, performance "Wasserlauf" , electroacoustic composition for 8 sound bodies
Katharina Klement, piano & composition
Urusla Mihelič, reading & Katharina Klement, composition
duo Claussen / Klement, series neue musik in st. ruprecht
Residency at AADK
Katharina Klement
Anat Stainberg / Katharina Klement